The 1833 Presidents House is Dickinson College’s most historic and prominent buildings was transformed into a contemporary new Alumni and Family Center.
A new performance venue creates a gathering space for the entire school and a collaborative resource for the Lancaster-area community
The design of the one-of-a-kind cutting-edge Training Arena was inspired by a skate park, another “alternative” sport.
Dickinson College’s new baseball & softball practice facility has already increased the Red Devils recruitment and overall quality of players.
The MTC was expanded a second time due to the College’s high demand for its Welding Degree and Certification Programs.
The intrinsic challenge of this project was integrating a new Learning Commons that responds to the 21st century student while keeping the context of a restored 1923 historic library.
A new state-of -the-art student union was designed to be extremely flexible and collaborative for the technology integrated university.
The new hub for Wilson’s four-year veterinary medical technology (VMT) program provides a stronger learning environment resulting in better patient care, exceptional student graduates and a faculty and staff with a renewed commitment to programmatic distinction.
The original bookstore has been demolished and the new 7 story new residence hall has significantly reduced the number of freshmen who are “tripled” each fall, plus introduce additional support services to this side of campus.