Due to an expanding practice, Suite 700 and 800 combined for a 14,000 gsf comprehensive eye clinic.
The MTC was expanded a second time due to the College’s high demand for its Welding Degree and Certification Programs.
The intrinsic challenge of this project was integrating a new Learning Commons that responds to the 21st century student while keeping the context of a restored 1923 historic library.
Murray Associates sustainably designed and transformed two 1980’s buildings and future-proofed them as modern workspaces for D&H Distributing, one of the largest private companies in Pennsylvania.
A new state-of -the-art student union was designed to be extremely flexible and collaborative for the technology integrated university.
The new hub for Wilson’s four-year veterinary medical technology (VMT) program provides a stronger learning environment resulting in better patient care, exceptional student graduates and a faculty and staff with a renewed commitment to programmatic distinction.
UniqueSource’s culture, accessibility and ease of circulation for their clients was at the forefront of this corporate headquarters’ renovation design.
A master study, programming and interior design services renovated and expanded the construction company’s offices into a new 22,066 sf collaborative work environment.
To our knowledge, this is the only corporate tower expansion that is designed for LEED Platinum and Passive House standards in the entire United States.