The customer focused facility is the first of its kind in the United States for this German based electronics company.
A 14,500 gsf shell space within one of the high tech office parks in the Houston area was transformed to establish a highly visible and strategic presence on the West Coast.
The three design objectives for the shell space. The Phoenix Contact brand needed to be established in a highly visible fashion within the Houston, Dallas marketplace. Second, a hands-on, customer focused training facility with demonstration mock-up area and on-site product development was necessary. Third, access to the on-site expert technical staff was imperative.
It includes a 50 seat state-of-the-art “smart” multimedia lecture hall. A demonstration area constructed over a raised flooring system accommodates reconfiguring equipment, work areas and technology. A “Gallery Walk” and with eight niches allows the sales and engineering staff to showcase products. Other features include: a complete catering kitchen; a 50 seat dining room; business hub; multiple offices and conference rooms; and a 1,500 s.f. warehouse.