Space Allocation Study

PennDOT had undergone several significant reorganizations in recent years in response to changing program needs.

March 8, 2018

PA Department of Transportation (PennDOT)

Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA

PennDOT had undergone several significant reorganizations in recent years in response to changing program needs. Because of these changes, there was a need to review the current use of the space and propose how the organizations could be better housed to take advantage of work efficiencies and to optimize space needs.

Our Study Entailed: reviewing the Department’s current space allocation for the 5 floors housing approximately 1,000 employees and administration. We determined the actual space needs and projected the Space Needs through 2016. A phasing method was suggested to begin moving the staff, renovating the facilities with as minimal moves and construction s possible.

The analysis was completed based on interviews with Department Managers, staff and use the Department of General Services space allocation formulas.

The study is currently being phased into construction.